Just arrived in our showroom: 30 amazing Yamaha grand and upright pianos!

Just arrived in our showroom: 30 amazing Yamaha grand and upright pianos!

This time-lapse video shows part of the action.

A big day for us: We received a huge shipment of Yamaha grand and upright pianos this morning! 30 pianos were unloaded, unpacked, and positioned in our showroom, all in less than two hours.

Amazing selection now in our showroom!

Our shipment includes most of the world's most popular Yamaha pianos, including the following models:

One "Done and Delivered" price, safe and reliable, no surprises, local or nationwide.

Browse our Yamaha pianos now.

Live close enough to visit us? Enjoy the amazing experience of trying not just one or two, but rows of beautiful Yamaha pianos all at the same time in the same space. Compare and contrast tone and touch side-by-side, pick out just the right piano for your tastes. Take advantage of some of the best selection in the Northeast right now.

Can't visit us? Benefit from our knowledge and expertise, wherever you live. If you can't visit us, tell us your musical preferences and we'll select the best piano for you.  Long-distance delivery is safe and reliable.